World of Healing Vibrations

Roman Tizenberg

Head of overtone singing and throat singing

I am a musician and shamanic sound therapist. For many years I have been researching the effect of sound instruments and the natural voice on life. Through sound we are alive and manifest ourselves in the world.
I have had the privilege of learning from various masters and shamans. For the past 5 years I have been creating experiential spaces and retreats for a wide variety of people. In recent years I have also worked in trauma therapy for war veterans from Ukraine, as well as in psycholytic therapy (PAT) in Spain.
For me, the voice is the central sound instrument. We are living resonators with unique qualities. When we sound together, we strengthen the power of the connection between feelings and life. I particularly appreciate the singing of the root shamans, who celebrate the deep connection to the earth, to their own animal power and to the bones.